Monday, April 5, 2010


Something Sweet
177 1st Ave, East Village

One beautiful afternoon following a delicious brunch, my friend Amanda and I decided to hit a little bakery in the East Village aptly named “Something Sweet”. We were in the mood for, well, something sweet (not sick of the puns yet?). Most of the baked goods looked delicious. The cupcakes? Not so much. They just did not like look right, but I had to take the risk. I checked out the cupcakes and they were light brown. Bad news bearcats. I knew by the color that the cupcakes were overbaked. Ick. After very little pondering (there weren’t many options), I chose the vanilla cupcakes with vanilla icing. Besides the fact that the cake was dry and indeed overbaked, the icing made the cupcake even worse. There is a huge difference between icing and frosting even though sometimes people use the two interchangeably. Icing is stiff and hard, whereas frosting is usually softer and creamier. For example, when icing dries and you were to pick at it, your finger would still be clean. With frosting it is usually the opposite. I do not approve of icing on cupcakes. Icing is meant for decorating cookies. Anyway, the cupcake was $1.50- cheap, but I’d rather shell out more money for a cupcake with real frosting. Next time I want something sweet, I’ll go somewhere else.

peace, love, and cupcakes
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